Consumer Protection Laws—Fair Credit Reporting Act

In order to protect the confidentiality, accuracy and relevance of credit information, Credit Reporting Agencies, or CRAs, are required to follow reasonable procedures as mandated by Congress and the courts. Although there are limits on the use of credit reports, there are certain purposes in which it can be used. For more on consumer protection laws and to learn about some permissible uses of your credit report, read this Financial Strategy.

Custodial Account—Uniform Gift/Transfer to Minors Act

For a minor to own investments in his or her own name, a custodial account must be used. A custodial account is established through the Uniform Gift/Transfer to Minors Act and allows a custodian to control a savings account until the child reaches the age of majority, when the account becomes the sole possession of the child. For more information about custodial accounts and to learn about some the advantages and disadvantages, read this Financial Strategy.

“We Have Moved”—Did You Tell the IRS?

In the event that you move, you are required to inform the IRS of your new address and contact information so that they can update it in their files. If you fail to do so, any vital information regarding your taxes that is sent to your "last known address" is legally effective, even if you never received it. For more information about the steps to take to keep your information up-to-date with the IRS, read this C.P.A Insight.

Real Estate Investment Trusts

Real estate is a common investment option for many investors, often done through the purchase of Real Estate Investment Trusts, or REITs. There are several different kinds of REITs, as well as many advantages and disadvantages to purchasing them. For more on the different types of REITs and to learn a little bit about investing in them, read this Investment Whys.