The Transition into Retirement

The transition into retirement is when you are changing from your full-time working years to your retirement years. If retirement is approaching, you may have to make numerous decisions. Questions you might be asking yourself: Can you afford to retire? What about early retirement—is it a possibility? If you want to continue working, are there…

Planning Becomes a Priority 10 Years Prior to Retirement

Chief Investment Officer Troy Harmon, CFA, CVA, is joined by Managing Associate Shawna Theriault, C.P.A., CFP®, CDFA®, and Associate Melanie Wells, CFP®, to discuss the planning priorities for a couple who have been do-it-yourself planners, and are now 10 years away from retirement. The planners cover what the investors should look at and some of the more common issues pre-retirees should address.

Should you cut the cord on cable?

In the last few years, it’s become common for consumers to ditch cable television in favor of streaming services and devices. Many affordable streaming options are available, making it easier for consumers to give up cable without necessarily sacrificing their favorite shows. But there are some drawbacks to relying exclusively on streaming services for television…

Tax Reform 2.0 Is in the Works

The dust has not yet settled from the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), passed into law in December 2017, and the House Ways and Means Committee is already considering another round of tax changes. The committee chair, Kevin Brady, Republican from Texas, wants to include input from stakeholders such as business groups, think tanks…