In the News: Tactical year-end financial moves to help improve your financial situation
Bil Lako, CFP®, explains that if you own stocks or mutual funds, there are some moves at year-end that might help your financial situation.
Bil Lako, CFP®, explains that if you own stocks or mutual funds, there are some moves at year-end that might help your financial situation.
Henssler Research Analysts Jacob Keen and Nick Antonucci, CVA, CEPA, join Chief Investment Officer Troy Harmon, CFA, CVA to discuss the chances of an interest rate increase in December and the effects rates are having on the bond market. They also talk about current valuations in the market both on a price-to-earnings basis and a price-to-sales…
Download BioNotable3 Years of Financial Services ExperienceBloomberg CertifiedContact678-797-3791Email BrandonBrandon Goff Research Analyst Brandon Goff joined Henssler Financial as an intern in January 2023. His strong skillset in security analysis led to a full-time offer as a Junior Research Analyst in June 2024. He was promoted to Research Analyst in February 2025. Mr. Goff is part…
Download BioNotable1 Year of Financial Services ExperienceContact(678) 797-3756Email HarmonHarmon Hardegree Financial Planner Harmon Hardegree joined Henssler Financial in April 2023 as a Client Service Associate in the Planning & Implementation Department, and was promoted to Financial Planner in May 2024. His responsibilities include assisting Managing Associate K.C. Smith, CFP®, CEPA, and Associate Adam Stadalius, CFP®,…
Yes, you can borrow money from your wholly owned business. Generally speaking, the terms of the loan must be reasonable and must be properly documented. Otherwise, you run the risk that the IRS could reclassify the proceeds of the loan as compensation or dividends, leaving you with an unanticipated tax bill. Troubles may arise if…
When you apply for an auto insurance policy, don’t be surprised to find questions about your credit on the insurance company’s application. In addition to the other information you provide, the company may use your credit information as part of its applicant-screening process. But are insurance companies being too nosy and intrusive when they request…
Download BioNotable7 Years of Tax and Accounting Industry ExperienceQuickBooks Online ProAdvisor®Contact(770) 429-9166Email AshlynAshlyn Holliman Tax & Business Consultant Ashlyn Holliman is a Tax & Business Consultant with Henssler CPAs & Advisers, LLC, an affiliate company of Henssler Financial. Ms. Holliman worked as an Administrative Intern during the Spring 2017 tax season, and as a Tax…