Our Three Cents — Benefits and Liabilities: Corporate Owned Life Insurance

Troy Harmon, CFA, CVA, Nick Antonucci, CVA, CEPA, and K.C. Smith, CFP®, CEPA of Henssler Financial talk with Jim Crone, CLU®, CFS®, our Director of Insurance Planning, about rewarding key employees with supplemental executive retirement plans and funding this liability with corporate owned life insurance. They also look at what might happen to this agreement with the employee and liability on their books if the company owner decides to sell.

Our Three Cents — What Do You Pocket in the End? Depends on the Taxes!

Henssler CPAs & Advisers Tax Partner John Dickson, CPA, CFP®, CVA, joins Troy Harmon, CFA, CVA, Nick Antonucci, CVA, CEPA, and K.C. Smith, CFP®, CEPA on Our Three Cents to discuss how to manage the taxes business owners face when entering a transaction to exit their business when retiring or entering a new business. Without the right professionals on board, business owners may not know how the tax impact will change depending on how the deal is structured.