Group Term Life Insurance
Group term life insurance may be a benefit your employer offers. Learn some of the basics of this benefit in this week’s Insurance Tip.
Group term life insurance may be a benefit your employer offers. Learn some of the basics of this benefit in this week’s Insurance Tip.
Employers are eligible for the work opportunity tax credit through 2019 for hiring individuals from targeted groups. Learn what they are in this week’s Business Tip.
When you want to retire from being a business owner, you will have to sell or give away your business interest. We explain in this week’s Business Tip.
The PATH Act extended bonus depreciation and made the Section 179 deduction’s higher expensing amount permanent. Read more in this week’s Business Tip.
Selling a business interest can yield a gain or loss, but the tax treatment varies depending on the business entity. Learn more in this week’s Business Tip.
Health care coverage is a great employee benefit, and employers have choices in what they offer. We explain in this week’s Business Tip.
Just finished your business’s books for 2015? You have up to the due date of your business tax return to establish a SEP. Learn more in this week’s Business Tip.
While the IRS allows you to deduct business startup costs, there are limits to what you can deduct in your first year. We explain in this week’s Business Tip.
Can you deduct your home office, computer or your uniform? As with all things tax, it depends. We explain in this Special Tax Tip.
When selling a business, you need to know the difference between an asset sale and a stock sale. We explain in this week’s Business Tip.