With Retirement Balances Down, a Roth Conversion May Make Sense

Chief Investment Officer Troy Harmon, CFA, CVA, is joined by Managing Associate K.C. Smith, CFP®, CEPA, and Research Analyst Nick Antonucci, CVA, CEPA, to discuss a couple looking to make the best out of the depressed market by timing a Roth conversion. They cover the benefits and options investors have for conversion.

Financial Advisers Can Provide Valuable Insight for Second Marriage Estate Planning

Chief Investment Officer Troy Harmon, CFA, CVA, is joined by Senior Financial Planner Giuliana Barbagelata, CFP®, to discuss what aspects to consider when developing an estate plan for a second marriage that involves children from a previous marriage. While it requires an estate planning attorney to prepare the wills and trusts, the experts discuss all the groundwork financial planners put into making an estate plan work.

Considering Paying Cash for Your House? Opt for Carrying a Mortgage Instead

Chief Investment Officer Troy Harmon, CFA, CVA, is joined by Managing Associate Jarrett McKenzie, CFP®, CWS®, and Senior Financial Planner Clay Norman, CFP®, to look at a client situation where a couple was able to sell their home for an incredible profit; however, they’re looking to buy their new home with cash rather than a mortgage.