Mid-Year is the Time to Factor in Tax Reform Changes

Tax Manager John Dickson, C.P.A., CFP®, CVA, joins Troy Harmon, CFA, CVA, and K.C. Smith, CFP®, to highlight some of the major changes from tax reform that will affect nearly everyone’s 2018 taxes. He discusses what you should watch out for, moves you should consider if you know you’re losing some itemized deductions, and how tax projections can help you determine how to best position your money.

Hybrid Long-Term Care Insurance Policies Have Changed the Insurance Landscape

This week, Chief Investment Officer Troy Harmon, CFA, CVA, is joined by Managing Associate Shawna Theriault, C.P.A., CFP®, CDFA®, and Director of Insurance Planning, Jim Crone, CLU®, CFS®. Jim leads a discussion on long-term care insurance, and the options investors have when shopping for LTC coverage, including traditional carriers and hybrid policies.

Direct Your State Taxes to Rural Hospitals and Receive a Charitable Donation Deduction

Tax Manager John Dickson, C.P.A., CVA, CFP®, joins Troy Harmon, CFA, CVA, and K.C. Smith, CFP®, to share some unique tax opportunities for Georgia residents: Georgia Film Credits and Georgia’s Rural Hospital Tax Credit. He explains the benefits of applying for tax credits and how the Rural Hospital Tax Credit can also qualify for a charitable deduction on your federal return.

The Need for Life Insurance Is as Unique as Your Financial Plan

Managing Associate Shawna Theriault, C.P.A., CFP®, CDFA®, and Senior Associate Jarrett McKenzie, CFP®, CWS®, join Chief Investment Officer Troy Harmon, CFA, CVA, to talk about a common question for most investors, “How much life insurance should I have?” The planners’ conversation covers how life insurance protects the financial plan and can help ensure goals are met even if something unfortunate should happen.