Just say NO!

By: Tim O’Pry | Chief Security Officer Another day, another few hundred million accounts compromised. Facebook is the most recent (as of late March 2019). This problem has become so common place that it hardly qualifies as news. What is different about this one is that it wasn’t criminals who broke into Facebook and obtained the data.

Who is Watching Whom?

By: Tim O’Pry | Chief Security Officer With the advent of the Internet of Things (internet connected devices), the average consumer is likely to have multiple devices in their home, office, or on their person that is capable of surreptitious surveillance and not be aware of it. One of the more high profile examples of…

Back(up) to Basics

By: Tim O’Pry, Chief Security Officer While the primary focus of these articles to date has been on cybersecurity, there is another aspect of protecting your information that is of equal importance: the regular and secure back up of your digital data (files, photos, etc.). While hacking gets the majority of the headlines, the average…

Managing the Failure Points

By: Tim O’Pry | Chief Security Officer Over the years (decades), I have been asked for tips on everything from starting a business to the perfunctory cocktail question of, “What do you do?”. Regardless of the question, the answer is the same: I manage failure points. That answer tends to end most casual cocktail conversation…

New Credit Legislation

Recently, as part of the Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief, and Consumer Protection Act of 2018, Congress made several changes to credit rules that benefit consumers. Under the new law, consumers are now allowed to “freeze” and “unfreeze” their credit reports free of charge at all three of the major credit reporting bureaus, Equifax, Experian, and…