In the News: Divorce is Becoming Less and Less Affordable
In today’s Marietta Daily Journal, Bil Lako, CFP®, shows the possible impact the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act could have on the tax treatment of alimony payments. Read the Article
In today’s Marietta Daily Journal, Bil Lako, CFP®, shows the possible impact the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act could have on the tax treatment of alimony payments. Read the Article
Few life changes are more financially significant than a divorce. It is an emotional process, and unfortunately, emotions often lead to poor financial decisions. Assembling a team of experts to help prepare for financial changes before the divorce is final should allow you to weather this life change. Their experience and ability to be unemotional…
Troy Harmon, CFA, CVA, is joined by Managing Associates, Shawna Theriault, C.P.A., CFP®, CDFA®, and K.C. Smith, CFP®, to talk about how the the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act will affect the tax treatment of alimony payments for divorce and separation agreements executed after Dec. 31, 2018.
A spouse’s death can be overwhelming. It’s important to take certain steps to move on financially. We explain in this week’s Financial Tip.
Our experts focus on a case study about the financial complexities that come with a second marriage, especially when children from a previous marriage are involved.
Our experts delve into a case study where a custodial parent is interested in ensuring she continues to receive child support payments should something happen to her ex-husband.
Assessing your financial position after divorce & making needed changes should help you recover from this life event. We explain in this week’s Marietta Daily Journal. Read the Article
Our experts discuss a case study centered on a newly divorced mother who now needs to re-evaluate her financial priorities now that she is a single-income family.
Divorce may allow an ex-spouse to qualify for Medicaid, but there are several drawbacks to this option. Learn more in this week’s Insurance Tip.
A spouse’s death creates a financial crossroad to for you to navigate while grieving. We explain in today’s Marietta Daily Journal. Read the Article