Reverse Mortgages: Making Informed Decisions on Home Equity

Managing Associate K.C. Smith, CFP®, CEPA, Associate Adam Stadalius, CFP®, and Chief Investment Officer Troy Harmon, CFA, CVA, provide insight for a widow whose late husband took out a reverse mortgage on their home nearly 15 years ago. They discuss what a reverse mortgage is and what it means for her assets and estate going forward.

Trusts Offer Control and Protection for Grandchildren’s Legacy

Chief Investment Officer Troy Harmon, CFA, CVA, is joined by Managing Associate Melanie Wells, CFP®, and Associate Peter Lynch explore the situation of a wealthy investor who wants to leave his massive estate to his five grandchildren. With the grandchildren ranging in ages from 3 to 20, the experts consider his option of using a trust to shelter their inheritance from estate and gift taxes. Additionally, the trust can allow him to control how his money is used from beyond the grave.

Securing Your Legacy: Understanding Beneficiary Designations for 401(k)s and IRAs

Chief Investment Officer Troy Harmon, CFA, CVA, is joined by Client Relationship Manager Justin Wagner, AIF®, and estate planning attorney Arun Gupta to discuss an investor who has named his children as beneficiaries of his 401(k); however, the investor just married, which could change the distribution of his 401(k) should something happen to him.

Key Estate Planning Considerations for Unmarried Couples

Chief Investment Officer Troy Harmon, CFA, CVA, is joined by Managing Associate Melanie Wells, CFP®, and Associate Giuliana Barbagelata, CFP®, to discuss some of the important considerations unmarried couples need to consider when estate planning. The process starts with financial planning, including how assets are titled, beneficiary designations, and determining if assets should be placed in a trust.