A Map for Your Family
A letter of instruction could be just as important as a Will to help your heirs settle your estate and move forward with their lives.
A letter of instruction could be just as important as a Will to help your heirs settle your estate and move forward with their lives.
We all dream of a distant, rich uncle who will leave us lots of money in his will; however, an inheritance comes with lots of consequences. We provide 6 tips to manage your newfound wealth.
Chief Investment Officer Troy Harmon, CFA, CVA, is joined by Managing Associate D.J. Barker, CWS®, and Tax Consultant Jessie Thomas, CPA, to delve into a case study involving inherited IRAs and the SECURE Act, which eliminated the “stretch” strategy. They provide insight on the required minimum distribution rules for beneficiaries and other alternatives to pass assets on to heirs.
Chief Investment Officer Troy Harmon, CFA, CVA, is joined by Managing Associate Shawna Theriault, CFP®, CPA, CDFA®, and estate planning attorney Arun Gupta to answer a listener’s question on whether a Will should consider money that transferred by beneficiary designation. They discuss language the Will may contain that would give the executor guidance as well as options for the executor and heirs to consider.
Children love getting gifts, but if you’re planning on gifting a ton of cash, there are some tax issues to consider.
As seen in the Marietta Daily Journal: Bil Lako, CFP®, explains that a couple could fund a 529 Plan up to $150,000 and use five-year gift tax averaging to avoid gift taxes. Click here to read the article.
This week on “Money Talks,” the Experts discuss a couple who have a large estate and want to start moving money to benefit their grandchildren but want to avoid gift tax complications. We suggest superfunding a 529 Plan as one option.
The “Money Talks” Experts explore a case study of a client who was disappointed in the performance of his life insurance policy. Through a collaborative effort between the insurance agent, the financial planner, and the client’s estate planning attorney, they repurposed the insurance policy to enhance the client’s estate plan.
The “Money Talks” hosts explore a client situation of a multigenerational home and the complicated estate plan they created where an “equal” division of assets may not be equitable.
We provide an overview of issues related to being the beneficiary of an inheritance.