Is Cash King? Depends on Your Needs

Chief Investment Officer Troy Harmon, CFA, CVA, is joined by Managing Associate Jarrett McKenzie, CFP®, CWS®, and Research Analyst Nick Antonucci, CVA, CEPA, to take a closer look at a common investor situation of having cash available for investment but being reluctant to invest it with the stock market and real estate at all-time highs, and rates on fixed-income investments are as low as ever.

No Single Solution to Maximize Inherited IRAs

Chief Investment Officer Troy Harmon, CFA, CVA, is joined by Managing Associate D.J. Barker, CWS®, and Tax Consultant Jessie Thomas, CPA, to delve into a case study involving inherited IRAs and the SECURE Act, which eliminated the “stretch” strategy. They provide insight on the required minimum distribution rules for beneficiaries and other alternatives to pass assets on to heirs.

Starting Your Financial Journey Over After a Divorce

This week on “Money Talks,” Managing Associate K.C. Smith, CFP®, CEPA, and Associate Melanie Wells, CFP®, join Chief Investment Officer Troy Harmon, CFA, CVA, in providing some advice for an investor in his 50s who finds himself with substantially fewer assets after his divorce. The financial Experts give a laundry list of areas that need re-examination now that his financial goals have changed.

Should an Executor Account for Non-Probate Assets When Distributing Assets According to the Will?

Chief Investment Officer Troy Harmon, CFA, CVA, is joined by Managing Associate Shawna Theriault, CFP®, CPA, CDFA®, and estate planning attorney Arun Gupta to answer a listener’s question on whether a Will should consider money that transferred by beneficiary designation. They discuss language the Will may contain that would give the executor guidance as well as options for the executor and heirs to consider.

Failure to Plan Could Result in a Failure in Retirement

Chief Investment Officer Troy Harmon, CFA, CVA, is joined by Managing Associate K.C. Smith, CFP®, CEPA, and Justin Wagner, AIF®, Client Relationship Manager for Retirement Services, to take a closer look at a couple who realized that it is possible to fail at retirement. Justin and K.C. highlight some of the mistakes and pitfalls retirees make that could derail their financial security in their golden years.

Engaging the Uninterested Spouse in Family Finances

Principal Jennifer Thomas, CFP®, and Associate Michael Griffin, CFP®, join Chief Investment Officer Troy Harmon, CFA, CVA, to discuss the importance of including an uninterested spouse in household financial and investment conversations. They consider patterns seen among clients and how, as advisers, they work to meet each spouse on a level that they understand.