In the news: Investing through inflationary times
As seen in the Marietta Daily Journal: Bil Lako, CFP®, explains how inflation should be considered when investing.
As seen in the Marietta Daily Journal: Bil Lako, CFP®, explains how inflation should be considered when investing.
As seen in the Marietta Daily Journal: Bil Lako, CFP®, explains that a couple could fund a 529 Plan up to $150,000 and use five-year gift tax averaging to avoid gift taxes. Click here to read the article.
This week on “Money Talks,” the Experts discuss a couple who have a large estate and want to start moving money to benefit their grandchildren but want to avoid gift tax complications. We suggest superfunding a 529 Plan as one option.
Seen in the Marietta Daily Journal: Henssler Principal Bil Lako, CFP®, explains how he and a team of experts were able to make the best of an underperforming insurance policy a client had substantially invested in.
The “Money Talks” Experts explore a case study of a client who was disappointed in the performance of his life insurance policy. Through a collaborative effort between the insurance agent, the financial planner, and the client’s estate planning attorney, they repurposed the insurance policy to enhance the client’s estate plan.
The “Money Talks” Experts discuss what economic factors are stimulating inflation and how the influx of cash affects the economy.
Should you stay or should you go? Bil Lako, CFP®, discusses your housing options as you head into retirement in the Marietta Daily Journal. Read the article.
As seen in the Marietta Daily Journal: Bil Lako, CFP®, explains how your homeowner’s insurance policy might not cover inflicting emotional distress, defamation, or similar charges.
The “Money Talks” hosts talk with special guest Keith Palmer of Henssler Norton Insurance, who provides advice for households with increased liability risk because of teenage drivers, social media, dogs, and pools.
As seen in the Marietta Daily Journal: Bil Lako, CFP®, explains that navigating Social Security benefits is complicated and very specific to your situation; therefore, It is nearly impossible to provide general advice that applies to everyone. He covers some of the widely believed misconceptions in his weekly column.