Qualified Long-Term Care Insurance—An Available Option for Employer-Provided Health Plans

Those who are self-employed, partners in a partnership or LLC and 2% or more shareholders in an S corporation can likely add a tax deductible long-term care insurance policies to their health insurance benefits program. For more information on the IRS’ requirements for the policy to be qualified for favorable tax treatment, read this C.P.A. Insight.

Health Care Coverage in Retirement

If you are approaching retirement, before you plan your party, you need to consider how you will pay for health care coverage once you are no longer employed. Many retirees significantly underestimate how much they need to pay for medical expenses. For a close look at the questions you need to find answers to and items to discuss with your financial planner about health care in retirement, read this Insurance Know-How.

Umbrella Liability Coverage

If you ever find yourself in an unfortunate situation where you utter the phrase "I thought that was covered by my homeowners policy," you would likely be protected by an umbrella liability policy. Umbrella liability insurance "sits" on top of your auto and homeowners policies, providing extra protection–like an umbrella. For more information on umbrella liability coverage, read this Insurance Know-How.

Flood Insurance

According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency, 25% of floods occur in low-to-moderate risk areas. After the mid-September storms, if you live in north Georgia, you may be painfully aware that your homeowners insurance specifically excludes flood damage. For information on how to protect your home against flooding, read this Insurance Know-How.

What You Need to Know About Long-Term Care Insurance

Long-term care insurance has evolved into a product that supports aging or ill individuals staying at home or living in a facility when full-time care is necessary. Long-term care policies have a variety of options, riders and eligibility requirements that need to be carefully considered. For more need-to-know information about long-term care insurance before you consider purchasing a policy, read this Insurance Know-How.

Disability Insurance for Professionals

Statistics show that an individual is much more likely to become disabled in their earning years rather than suffer death; however, many professionals are still surprised to learn that disability insurance is more important than life insurance. For more information on disability insurance for professionals, types of policies, and to learn which policy may prove to work best for your needs, read this Insurance Know-How.