A Primer on Required Minimum Distributions
We answer a listener’s question on helping his mom coordinate her required minimum distribution.
We answer a listener’s question on helping his mom coordinate her required minimum distribution.
The “Money Talks” hosts answer listeners’ questions about retirement plans, and their recent stock transactions.
How much money do you need to retire? Bil Lako, CFP® explains the complicated equation in today’s Marietta Daily Journal. Read the Article
In your 50s, during your mid-year financial checkup, consider test driving your retirement plan.
We address concerns raised by a recent PBS special on the hidden fees in 401(k) plans.
Fees and expenses are factors that may affect your investment returns, and therefore impact your retirement income. Read more in this Financial Tip.
Bil Lako, CFP® and Dr. Gene explain which accounts a new investor should use to save for retirement.
Social Security provides about 40% of your preretirement income. Consider coordinating your benefits with other savings. Read more in this Financial Tip.
Think you’ll be able to save later for retirement? Not likely. We explain the fallacy in four common retirement myths in this week’s Financial Tip.
We highlight why you may be kicked out of a 401(k) plan once you’ve left the company.