Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP)
Mortgage loan modification may affect your taxes, as you may have to realize the cancellation of debt. Read more in this Tax Tip.
Mortgage loan modification may affect your taxes, as you may have to realize the cancellation of debt. Read more in this Tax Tip.
They may be rare, but there are still some energy efficient tax credits available. Learn more in this Tax Tip.
Higher-income taxpayers will feel a significant increase in taxes for which they need to prepare. We highlight two in this Tax Strategist.
You announced your nuptials to family and friends, but don’t forget to notify the SSA, IRS and USPS. Read more in this Tax Tip.
A grantor retained annuity trust may allow you to transfer assets to heirs while minimizing gift taxes. Read all about it in this Financial Tip.
We provide provide his insight on investments with foreign taxes and how master limited partnerships can affect a tax situation.
You have the option of directing your tax refund to multiple accounts with direct deposit. Learn more in this Tax Tip.
Bil Lako, CFP® explains how your winnings from scratch-off lottery tickets need to be reported to the IRS.
Be careful when completing the W-4 form because errors can create some significant financial problems. Read about about it in this Tax Tip.
If you receive a deduction on your taxes for something and later recover the "loss," you must return the "loss" to your income. This rule, the Tax Benefit Rule, is seen most often when a taxpayer receives a 1099-G on their state tax refund from the prior year. For an explanation of how the Tax Benefit Rule works and other instances where you should consider adding this money to your income, read this C.P.A. Insight.