The "SEPP" Exception to the IRA Premature Distribution Tax
If you need to tap the funds in your IRA, you may be able to avoid the early 10% withdrawal penalty. Read more in this Financial Tip.
If you need to tap the funds in your IRA, you may be able to avoid the early 10% withdrawal penalty. Read more in this Financial Tip.
Bil Lako, CFP®, shares advice on choosing your tax return preparer, because regardless of who prepares it, you are responsible for the information contained in your tax return.
If you own a business, you likely receive compensation through wages and dividends. But which is better? Find out in this Business Tip.
The penalty for failing to report specified foreign financial assets for a tax year is $10,000! Learn more in this week’s Tax Tip.
2012’s tax act made some rules retroactive for 2012, causing a delay in filing and for the IRS to process returns. Read our article in today’s Marietta Daily Journal This article is meant to provide valuable background information on particular investments, NOT a recommendation to buy. The investments referenced within this article may currently be…
Some moving expenses may be tax deductible if you meet certain tests from the IRS.
If it’s tax time, you are certainly looking for deductions. There are many legitimate deductions that include certain medical expense, unreimbursed employee expenses and even tax preparation fees.
Low-and moderate income workers who contributed to a retirement plan, such as an IRA or 401(k), may be able to take the savers credit.
Deducting travel and business expenses can be hard to keep up with. Luckily, the IRS will allow you to deduct unreimbursed expenses on a per-diem method.
Ever wonder how many days in a year you have to work to fulfill your income tax obligation? Wonder no more.