In the News: Election Could Show Divide in Tax Policy
Taxes aren’t over yet! They’ll likely take center stage during election debates. We explain the basics in today’s Marietta Daily Journal.
Taxes aren’t over yet! They’ll likely take center stage during election debates. We explain the basics in today’s Marietta Daily Journal.
Why is owning a home part of the American Dream? Because of the tax benefits! Learn more in this week’s Tax Tip.
If you’re getting a refund, you’ve given the government an interest-free loan for the last year.
Are you giving the government $55 a week more than you should? We explain in today’s Marietta Daily Journal.
The Senate approved a provision that would revoke the passports of those with delinquent tax debts. Read more tidbits in this Tax Tip.
In 2011, brokers began to track the price paid for the securities in purchase transactions. Read what this means for you in this week’s Tax Tip.
Schedule C returns have a 300% higher chance of being audited than a partnership or an S-Corporation. Learn more in this Tax Strategist.
Filing an extension doesn’t put you on an audit list. But, mismatched cost basis reporting could garner IRS scrutiny. We explain in today’s Marietta Daily Journal.
April 17, 2012 Deadline: 2011 taxes due, last day for 2011 contributions to an IRA & last chance to claim 2008 refund. Learn more in this week’s Tax Tip.
If you gave money or property to someone as a gift, you may owe federal gift tax. The IRS has eight tips to help determine if your gift is taxable.