What Are the Pros/Cons of a Side Hustle?
Depending on how much time and energy you put into a side hustle, you could earn a significant supplemental income. We explain the pros and cons in this Question of the Week.
Depending on how much time and energy you put into a side hustle, you could earn a significant supplemental income. We explain the pros and cons in this Question of the Week.
If you would like to make a substantial tax-deductible charitable donation this year, but have the ability to spread the actual distribution of funds to specific charities over a number of years, a donor-advised fund (DAF) may fill that need. We explain in this week’s Tax Tip.
Determining the tax deduction for a foreign business trip of a self-employed individual that is combined with a vacation can be complicated. We offer pointers in this week’s Business Tip.
If you were unpleasantly surprised by the amount of tax you owed or the amount of your tax refund when you filed your 2018 tax return, it may be time to check your withholding. It may also be time if there are changes in your life or financial situation that affect your tax liability. For…
Going from two stable income streams to one can prove challenging, but it is a necessary step if you, or your spouse, want to stay home with your kids, go back to school or even start your own business. To avoid ending up in a pinch when the big day comes, planning for the transition…
A secular trust can provide assurance that your nonqualified deferred compensation plan benefits will not be at risk. We explain in this week’s Business Tip.
April 15th may be long gone, but the IRS is still sending out audit letters. We explain what you need to do if you receive one in this week’s Tax Tip.
In today’s Marietta Daily Journal, Bil Lako, CFP®, explains how to coordinate tax credits for higher education when using 529 Plan assets to pay for college. Read the article here Disclosures: The investments referenced within this article may currently be traded by Henssler Financial. All material presented is compiled from sources believed to be reliable…
As back-to-school season commences, the “Money Talks” hosts share advice on the available tax credits for higher education and how to coordinate them with 529 Plan withdrawals.
So many life events provide tax-planning opportunities. See if you need tax help in this week’s Tax Tip.