In the News: Year-end tax planning much more crucial after tax reform
In today’s Marietta Daily Journal, Bil Lako, CFP®, explains why your year-end tax planning is going to take a little longer this year.
In today’s Marietta Daily Journal, Bil Lako, CFP®, explains why your year-end tax planning is going to take a little longer this year.
If you are a business owner who is accustomed to treating clients to sporting events, golf getaways, concerts and the like, you were no doubt saddened by the part of the tax reform that passed last December that did away with the business-related deductions for entertainment, amusement or recreation expenses, beginning in 2018. You can…
Your refund is the amount that your pre-payments (withheld income tax, estimated tax payments, and certain credits) exceed your tax liability, and if the pre-payment also got reduced, you could be in for an unpleasant surprise at tax time. So, why would the pre-payments, particularly withholding, be less? Simply because the current W-4 form on…
This week on “Money Talks,” Research Analyst Nick Antonucci, CVA, CEPA, is joined by Tax Manager Dan DiLuzio, CPA, and Principal Jennifer Thomas, CFP®, to discuss some of the nuances taxpayers need to pay attention to this year for year-end tax planning. Dan explains why taxpayers will want to spend a little more time planning.
Receiving notification from the Internal Revenue Service that there’s some kind of problem is one of the most bone-chilling situations an American taxpayer can experience. Just receiving an envelope with a return address from the IRS can strike fear. There are many different reasons that the IRS might reach out, but some are more common…
Unlike a C corporation, which itself pays the tax on its taxable income, an S corporation does not directly pay taxes on its income; instead, its income, losses, deductions, and credits are distributed across its shareholders’ individual tax returns on a pro rata basis. These distributions are not subject to self-employment (Social Security and Medicare)…
The most recent data from the IRS on individual tax returns indicates that of 131 million returns filed, about 5 million were expected to be amended. This comes to less than 4 percent, but that projection still affects a significant number of taxpayers. Filing an amended tax return can be a hassle that you definitely…
Bil Lako, CFP®, explains that when people care about a cause, they donate regardless of the potential tax benefit. But, people still ask about charitable tax deductions because they want to know how to make the most of their finances.
This week on “Money Talks,” Chief Investment Officer Troy Harmon, CFA, CVA, is joined by Managing Associate Shawna Theriault, CPA, CFP®, CDFA®, and Associate Michael Griffin, CFP®, to discuss charitable giving.
The Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) included a “shared responsibility payment,” which in reality is a penalty for not having health insurance. Along with this penalty came a whole slew of exemptions from the penalty, including some that were designated as “hardship” exemptions. However, the hardship relief from the penalty required pre-approval from the government health…