Mid-Year Planning: Tax Changes to Factor In
Tax reform made a bunch of changes that affect nearly every taxpayer. Learn some of the new rules you need to factor in to your mid-year tax planning in this week’s Tax Tip.
Tax reform made a bunch of changes that affect nearly every taxpayer. Learn some of the new rules you need to factor in to your mid-year tax planning in this week’s Tax Tip.
Tax Manager John Dickson, C.P.A., CVA, CFP®, joins Troy Harmon, CFA, CVA, and K.C. Smith, CFP®, to share some unique tax opportunities for Georgia residents: Georgia Film Credits and Georgia’s Rural Hospital Tax Credit. He explains the benefits of applying for tax credits and how the Rural Hospital Tax Credit can also qualify for a charitable deduction on your federal return.
An individual can protect up to $11.18 million from the generation-skipping transfer tax, but unlike estate tax, it’s not portable between spouses. We explain in this week’s Tax Tip.
The tax reform laws increased how much you can save to an ABLE account for individuals who are blind or disabled. We explain in this week’s Tax Tip.
Just because your cryptocurrency is anonymous doesn’t mean you may not owe taxes on your investment or transactions. We explain in this week’s Tax Tip.
Despite proposals to the contrary, the tax reform law did not radically change the tax breaks for higher education. Read the changes that were made in this week’s Financial Tip.
Section 1031 exchanges, also known as like-kind exchanges, are now limited to real estate. We explain in this week’s Business Tip.
Are your itemized deductions typically roughly equal to the new standard deduction amount? If so, think about using a tax strategy known as bunching. Learn more in this week’s Tax Tip.
Let’s be clear. Business losses are allowed in 2018. “Excessive business losses” are treated as net operating losses. Learn more in this week’s Business Tip.
Nine out of 10 taxpayers typically receive refunds in fewer than 21 days when they use e-file with direct deposit. Where is your refund? Learn how to find out in this week’s Tax Tip.