Time to Start Thinking About Year-End Tax Moves
There are numerous steps that can be taken before January 1st to save a considerable amount of tax. Learn more in this week’s Tax Tip.
There are numerous steps that can be taken before January 1st to save a considerable amount of tax. Learn more in this week’s Tax Tip.
Tis the season for giving. When giving charitable donations, we have six tips to make your dollars go further in this week’s Financial Tip.
Tax deductions are an added benefit to those who make meaningful charitable gifts. We explain in today’s Marietta Daily Journal. Read the Article
Ever go cross-eyed when looking at an income statement? We help you decipher it in this week’s Business Tip.
Shawna Theriault, CFP®, C.P.A. and Jennifer Thomas, CFP®, discuss the options available for meaningful charitable giving, including establishing charitable trusts, family foundations and donor advised funds.
It’s best to know the rules for gifting, otherwise you may end up making a gift of taxes to the IRS. We explain in this week’s Tax Tip.
In today’s Marietta Daily Journal, Bil Lako, CFP®, explains why deferring income and accelerating deductions means more this year. Read the Article
If the full amount of a required minimum distribution isn’t taken, the penalty is 50% of the amount you didn’t withdraw. Read all about it in this week’s Tax Tip.
Tax Manager Dan DiLuzio, C.P.A., leads the group in a case study discussion about year-end tax moves for individuals and businesses, some of the notable changes for the 2017 tax season and some of President-elect Trump’s proposed tax law changes.
Businesses can take advantage of liberal expensing limits under Sec. 179 and bonus depreciation for new equipment. Read all about it in this week’s Business Tip.