Was Your Refund Too High or Did You Owe Taxes? You Probably Need to Adjust Your W-4
Outsized refund or huge tax bill? Adjusting your W-4 may help eliminate surprises next tax season. We explain in this week’s Tax Tip.
Outsized refund or huge tax bill? Adjusting your W-4 may help eliminate surprises next tax season. We explain in this week’s Tax Tip.
For members of the U.S. Armed Forces, not all of your pay may be subject to income tax. Read more in this week’s Tax Tip.
Capital gains and losses don’t just apply to stocks. The rules also vary depending on the type of property the asset is. Read all about it in this week’s Tax Tip.
Just finished your business’s books for 2015? You have up to the due date of your business tax return to establish a SEP. Learn more in this week’s Business Tip.
The penalty for not having health insurance is the GREATER of two calculation methods. Learn more in this week’s Insurance Tip.
It’s in your best interest to make arrangements to pay the IRS what you owe—even if you cannot afford it. We explain in this week’s special Tax Tip.
An extension will move your tax filing date to Oct. 17, 2016, but it does not extend your time to pay! We explain in this Tax Tip.
While the IRS allows you to deduct business startup costs, there are limits to what you can deduct in your first year. We explain in this week’s Business Tip.
Can you deduct your home office, computer or your uniform? As with all things tax, it depends. We explain in this Special Tax Tip.
Failure to file a return or filing late can be costly. If you owe, a delay may result in penalty and interest charges. Learn more in this special Tax Tip.