Converting Your After-Tax 401(k) Dollars to a Roth IRA
Want to take distributions from a 401(k) and convert only the after-tax dollars to a Roth? New rules allow you to do that. Learn more in this Financial Tip.
Want to take distributions from a 401(k) and convert only the after-tax dollars to a Roth? New rules allow you to do that. Learn more in this Financial Tip.
You still have time to make an IRA contribution for 2014. Bil Lako, CFP® tells you how in today’s Marietta Daily Journal. Read the Article
Tuition paid to a specialized school for students with multiple learning disabilities may be tax deductible. We explain in this Tax Tip.
Is it better to convert your IRA to a Roth IRA? No surprise–it depends on several factors. Bil Lako, CFP® explains in today’s Marietta Daily Journal. Read the Article
Before you meet with your C.P.A., use our guide to get your records in order! Read all about it in this week’s Tax Tip.
Even for procrastinators, there is still time to take advantage of some last-minute tax tips. Read more in this week’s Tax Tip.
If you live and work abroad, you may be eligible to exclude all or part of your income. We explain in this Business Tip.
Share a bank account with someone other than your spouse? Don’t forget your Nominee 1099 this tax season. Read all about them in this week’s Tax Tip.
In today’s Marietta Daily Journal, Bil Lako, CFP®, explains why RMDs are one area where professional help is worth the cost.
Unfortunately there are a number of financial matters that will need your attention while grieving for a lost spouse. We walk you through it in this Financial Tip.