S-Corporations vs. LLCs: Which Entity Structure Is Better For Me?
The entity structure you choose for your small business can affect your taxes, liability and how profits are shared.
The entity structure you choose for your small business can affect your taxes, liability and how profits are shared.
Small-business owners and high-income taxpayers may have a challenging 2014 when it comes to taxes. Learn more in this Business Tip.
Taxpayers should make every attempt to take advantage of available education tax credits. Find out how in this Tax Tip.
The “Money Talks” hosts provide their opinions on the upcoming tax season.
You may be under-withholding because your filing status and exemptions on W-4 do not account for other income sources. We explain in today’s Marietta Daily Journal.
It is good practice to have independent contractors sign IRS Form W-9 the first time you use them. Read more in this Business Tip.
Can you deduct mortgage interest if your name isn’t on the mortgage but you are an equitable owner of the home? Find out in this Tax Tip.
Accurate completion of Form W-4 worksheets may not guarantee that you will have the correct amount of tax withheld.
If you are your own boss, know that the IRS watches what you pay yourself as a business owner. We explain more in this week’s Marietta Daily Journal Article.
To avoid underpayment penalties, you generally must prepay more than 90% of your current year tax liability or 100% of your prior year tax liability.