In choosing your consultant, you should evaluate the consultant in the following areas:
- Does this person have the skills required to fit your needs?
- Can this person’s experience be applied to your particular need?
- Can the consultant communicate effectively?
- Does this person’s listening abilities exceed their salesmanship?
- Does this person impress you with their sincerity?
- Do you feel that you could believe in what this person tells you?
- Are they credible?
- Does this person seem to value your needs and objectives more than their own success?
- How will this person handle unforeseen problems when they evolve?
- Is this the type of person that is always seeking to learn?
- Will this person have the ability to research and discover all specific aspects of your situation, or focus on an overview?
- Is this person the type that can apply what they learn?
- Can you work with this person?
- Is there chemistry between you that would assist in the success of your goal?
- Do you get the impression that this person understands you and your needs?
- Will you be able to listen to this person’s recommendations?
When you have answered these questions about your candidates, you will be guided to select the consultant that will best fit your needs. Finding the right consultant will provide you with valuable results. Good luck to you in achieving your goals!
For assistance in meeting your financial goals, contact us at 770-429-9166 or